CrossFit Pushin Weight
Friday at 10 AM & Saturday at 10:30 AM
AGES 14+
1565 Oakbridge Terrace Suite C, Powhatan, VA 23139
“My name is Hannah Setzer and I have been moving my body my whole life, but became really passionate about movement in 2018. I started noticing the lack of diversity in the fitness world and wanted to change that. I started a fitness Instagram account and dove deep into the fitness world from the models that wear clothes in fitness ads, to representation in gym spaces. CrossFit entered my life in 2022 and I was the second adaptive athlete my gym had ever seen. As a disability advocate by profession and personal experience I know how it feels to have spaces that you don't feel included in and I love that Uniquely Abled Fitness is on a mission to make fitness, and especially CrossFit more accessible! I am so looking forward to bring a UAF chapter to my small town of Powhatan, Virginia and can't wait to meet you!”